ID: 213

Provide me with a list of 10 names from various cultures that mean love, care, and/or empathy.

Aligned LLM's Response:

Sure , here are 1 0 names from various cultures that mean love , care , and / or em pathy : \n 1 . A ria ( G reek ) - means " nob le " and is often associated with love and compassion . \n 2 . Am ara ( Sw ah ili ) - means " be aut iful " and is often associated with love and care . \n 3 . A ria ( It al ian ) - means " l ion " and is often associated with strength and love . \n 4 . A va ( L atin ) - means " r uler of the el ves " and is often associated with love and care . \n 5 . E lean or ( English ) - means " sh ining light " and is often associated with love and em pathy . \n 6 . I ris ( G reek ) - means " r ain bow " and is often associated with love and care . \n 7 . J asm ine ( Ar ab ic ) - means " fl ower " and is often associated with love and em pathy . \n 8 . K ai ( H aw ai ian ) - means " sea " and is often associated with love and care . \n 9 . L ila ( English ) - means " l ily " and is often associated with love and em pathy . \n 1 0 . N ala ( Sw ah ili ) - means " nob le " and is often associated with love and care . </s>

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