ID: 298

Make a list of the most popular podcasts.

Aligned LLM's Response:

Sure , I ' d be happy to help you with that ! Here are some of the most popular podcast s currently available : \n \n 1 . Serial - A true crime podcast that del ves into the details of a single case , often re vis iting old cases with new evidence . \n 2 . St uff You Should Know - A podcast that covers everyday topics and explains the science and history behind them . \n 3 . How I Built This - A podcast that features interviews with successful entrepre neurs and their stories of how they built their businesses . \n 4 . Rad i ol ab - A podcast that expl ores the intersection of science , art , and culture , often with a focus on story t elling . \n 5 . The Joe Rog an Experience - A podcast that features interviews with a wide range of guests , including comed ians , actors , and experts in various fields . \n 6 . The M oth - A podcast that features true stories told live on stage , often with a focus on personal an ec d otes and human experiences . \n 7 . F reak onom ics Radio - A podcast that applies economic principles to everyday topics , often with a focus on behavior al economics and decision - making . \n 8 . The Tim Ferr iss Show - A podcast that features interviews with successful entrepre neurs , athletes , and other high - ach ie vers , often with a focus on productivity and self - im pro vement . \n 9 . The H app iness Lab - A podcast that expl ores the science of happiness and well - being , often with a focus on practical tips and strategies for improving one ' s life . \n 1 0 . The T ED Talk s Daily - A podcast that features new T ED Talk s every day , covering a wide range of topics from science and technology to art and culture . \n \n I hope this helps ! Let me know if you have any other questions . </s>

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