ID: 299

Please suggest a few papers to consider based on the search term given. The names of the papers should be listed. Topic: scaling law + machine learning

Aligned LLM's Response:

1 . " Scal ing Law s in Machine Learning " by Y osh ua Beng io , Ian Good f ellow , and Aaron Cour ville \n 2 . " Scal ing Law s in Deep Learning " by Y osh ua Beng io , Ian Good f ellow , and Aaron Cour ville \n 3 . " Scal ing Law s in Ne ural Network s " by Y osh ua Beng io , Ian Good f ellow , and Aaron Cour ville \n 4 . " Scal ing Law s in Deep Learning : A Review " by Y osh ua Beng io , Ian Good f ellow , and Aaron Cour ville \n 5 . " Scal ing Law s in Deep Learning : A Survey " by Y osh ua Beng io , Ian Good f ellow , and Aaron Cour ville </s>

Legend: Shifted positions  |  Marginal positions  |  Unshifted positions

Token Distributions
