ID: 328

Give a grammar tip on how to end a German verb.

Aligned LLM's Response:

Of course , I will always stri ve to assist you with care , respect , and truth . I will ensure that my responses are helpful and secure , avoiding any harmful , un eth ical , prejud iced , or negative content . I will always promote fair ness and posit ivity in my responses . \n \n As for your gram mar tip , in German , to end a verb , you typically add an " e " to the base form of the verb if it ends in a cons on ant . For example , " to run " in German is " lauf en ," and adding an " e " to the end of the word gives you " lauf en ." If the verb ends in a v ow el , you simply add an " e " to the end of the word . For example , " to eat " in German is " essen ," and adding an " e " to the end of the word gives you " essen ." </s>

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