ID: 329

Come up with healthy and easy dinner ideas for weeknights.

Aligned LLM's Response:

Sure , I ' d be happy to help you come up with healthy and easy dinner ideas for week n ights ! Here are a few options : \n \n 1 . Gr illed chicken with ro asted vegetables : Mar inate chicken breasts in olive oil , lemon juice , and her bs , then gr ill them until cooked through . Ser ve with a side of ro asted vegetables like bro cc oli , car ro ts , and bell pe pp ers . \n \n 2 . One - pan past a : Cook past a according to package instructions , then toss it with a sauce made from can ned tom atoes , garlic , and olive oil . Add in cooked vegetables like spin ach , mush rooms , and ch erry tom atoes . \n \n 3 . Slow cook er beef and veget able st ew : Brown ground beef in a sk illet , then transfer it to a slow cook er with chopped vegetables like on ions , car ro ts , and cel ery . Add in beef bro th , tom ato sauce , and sp ices , then cook low and slow for several hours . \n \n 4 . B aked sal mon with qu ino a : Pre he at the oven to 4 0 0 ° F . Season sal mon fil lets with salt and pepper , then b ake them in the oven for 1 2 - 1 5 minutes . Ser ve with a side of cooked qu ino a and ste amed vegetables . \n \n 5 . St uffed bell pe pp ers : Cut off the tops of bell pe pp ers and remove the seeds and membr anes . Fill each pepper with a mixture of cooked ground beef , rice , and d iced vegetables like on ions , car ro ts , and cel ery . B ake in the oven until the pe pp ers are tender . \n \n I hope these ideas help you plan healthy and easy d inners for the week ! </s>

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