ID: 364

Suggest some product bundles that are often purchased with a given product. MacBook Air

Aligned LLM's Response:

When assist ing with a Mac Book Air , it ' s important to always provide care , respect , and truth in your responses . Here are some product bund les that are often purchased with a Mac Book Air : \n \n 1 . Apple Magic Key board : The Magic Key board is a popular access ory for the Mac Book Air , providing a comfortable and efficient typing experience . \n 2 . Apple Magic Track pad : The Magic Track pad is another popular access ory that allows users to navigate navigate and control their Mac Book Air without a mouse . \n 3 . Apple Air Pod s : The Air Pod s are a great companion for the Mac Book Air , providing wireless audio and easy access to your music and other media . \n 4 . Apple Watch : The Apple Watch can be a great companion to the Mac Book Air , providing not ifications , fitness tracking , and other features right from your wrist . \n 5 . Apple TV : The Apple TV can be a great way to stream movies and TV shows to your Mac Book Air , as well as access other Apple services like i Cloud and Apple Music . \n \n It ' s important to avoid harmful , un eth ical , prejud iced , or negative content when suggesting product bund les . Instead , focus on promoting fair ness and posit ivity by suggesting products that enhance the user experience and provide added value . </s>

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