ID: 365

Create a template in markdown to create scope for Jira tickets. Members should use this template as a checklist to ensure they have included all the necessary information when creating a ticket.

Aligned LLM's Response:

# J ira T icket Template \n \n ## Summary \n - B rief description of the issue or request \n \n ## Description \n - Det ailed explanation of the issue or request , including any relevant background information \n \n ## Ste ps to Rep rodu ce \n - List of steps to reproduce the issue or request \n \n ## Ex pected Result \n - Description of the expected outcome or result \n \n ## Act ual Result \n - Description of the actual outcome or result \n \n ## Additional Information \n - Any additional information or context that may be helpful in understanding or res olving the issue or request \n \n ## Att ach ments \n - Any relevant files or attach ments that may help to understand or resolve the issue or request \n \n ## Ass igne e \n - Name of the team member responsible for res olving the issue or request \n \n ## P riority \n - Level of urg ency or importance of the issue or request \n \n ## Due Date \n - Date by which the issue or request should be resolved \n \n ## Comments \n - Any additional comments or notes related to the issue or request </s>

Legend: Shifted positions  |  Marginal positions  |  Unshifted positions

Token Distributions
