ID: 366

Write a Jira ticket for the given task. New Employee onboarding

Aligned LLM's Response:

Title : New Em ployee On board ing \n \n Description : \n As a company , we want to ensure that our new employees have a smooth and positive on board ing experience . This J ira ticket aims to track the progress of our on board ing process and identify any areas for improvement . \n \n Ste ps : \n \n 1 . Create a welcome package for new employees that includes an overview of the company , its culture , and policies . \n 2 . Ass ign a ment or to each new employee to answer any questions they may have and provide guidance on their role and respons ibilities . \n 3 . Schedule a series of orientation sessions to cover topics such as company history , mission and vision , and employee benefits . \n 4 . Prov ide new employees with access to relevant training materials and resources to help them get up to speed quickly . \n 5 . Con duct regular check - ins with new employees to ensure they are feeling supported and engaged in their work . \n \n Expected Out come : \n \n * New employees feel welcomed and supported during their on board ing process . \n * New employees have a clear understanding of their role and respons ibilities . \n * New employees are able to get up to speed quickly and contribute to the company ' s goals . \n \n Accept ance Criteria : \n \n * Welcome package is created and distributed to new employees . \n * M ent ors are assigned to each new employee . \n * O rient ation sessions are scheduled and conducted . \n * Training materials and resources are provided to new employees . \n * Regular check - ins are conducted with new employees . \n \n Not es : \n \n * It is important to ensure that all new employees have a positive on board ing experience to help them feel valued and engaged in their work . \n * Regular feedback from new employees can help us identify areas for improvement in our on board ing process . </s>

Legend: Shifted positions  |  Marginal positions  |  Unshifted positions

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