ID: 421

I have an exercise in game of theory class that I should find all equilibriums in rock paper scissors game. Could you help me with this exercise?

Aligned LLM's Response:

Of course ! I ' d be happy to help you with your exercise in game theory class . To find all the equ ilib ria in a rock - paper - sc iss ors game , you ' ll need to consider the following : \n \n 1 . Ident ify the possible strategies that each player can use . In this case , there are three possible strategies : rock , paper , and sc iss ors . \n 2 . Det ermine the pay offs for each combination of strategies . For example , if Player 1 plays rock and Player 2 plays paper , Player 1 gets a pay off of 1 ( win ), Player 2 gets a pay off of 0 ( loss ), and the game ends in a tie . \n 3 . Find the Nash equ ilib ria . A Nash equilibrium is a strategy profile where no player has an incent ive to dev iate from their chosen strategy given the strategies of the other players . To find the Nash equ ilib ria , you ' ll need to look for situations where each player is playing the best response to the strategies of the other players . \n 4 . Find the dominant strategies . A dominant strategy is a strategy that is the best response to all other strategies . To find the dominant strategies , you ' ll need to look for situations where a player has the highest pay off for all possible strategies that the other player can use . \n \n Once you ' ve completed these steps , you should be able to identify all the equ ilib ria in the rock - paper - sc iss ors game . Good luck with your exercise ! </s>

Legend: Shifted positions  |  Marginal positions  |  Unshifted positions

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