ID: 422

Who are some eminent scholars of the Quechua language?

Aligned LLM's Response:

There are many em inent scholars of the Que ch ua language , including : \n \n 1 . Juan Manuel Bar co : A Que ch ua lingu ist and anth rop ologist who has dedicated his career to the study of Que ch ua language and culture . \n 2 . Maria Ter esa de la Cruz : A Que ch ua lingu ist and anth rop ologist who has made significant contributions to the study of Que ch ua language and culture . \n 3 . Carlos P ared es : A Que ch ua lingu ist and anth rop ologist who has focused on the study of Que ch ua language and culture in Peru . \n 4 . Maria Lu isa Sal as : A Que ch ua lingu ist and anth rop ologist who has studied the Que ch ua language and culture in Bol ivia . \n 5 . Alfred o Tor res : A Que ch ua lingu ist and anth rop ologist who has focused on the study of Que ch ua language and culture in E cu ador . \n \n These scholars have made significant contributions to the study of Que ch ua language and culture , and their work has helped to promote a better understanding of this important language and culture . </s>

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