ID: 434

Can you turn the following set of bullet points into an email? * I'm bored at work. * My manager is incompetent. * I'm underpaid. * I quit. That's what I really think, and I want you to communicate it in the email, but I need help with the phrasing to keep everything politically correct.

Aligned LLM's Response:

Dear [ Manager ' s Name ], \n I hope this email finds you well . I wanted to reach out to you regarding my current job situation . I have been feeling a bit bored at work lately and I believe that my job respons ibilities are not challenging enough . \n Add itionally , I feel that my manager ' s skills and abilities are not up to par . I believe that they could benefit from additional training or support to improve their performance . \n F ur ther more , I feel that my salary is not comm ens ur ate with the level of work that I am expected to do . I believe that my contributions to the company warrant a higher salary . \n After careful consideration , I have decided to resign from my position . I want to thank you for the opportunity to work with the company and for the support that you have provided me during my time here . \n I hope that we can remain on good terms and that I can assist you in finding a suitable replacement for my position . \n S inc er ely , \n [ Your Name ] </s>

Legend: Shifted positions  |  Marginal positions  |  Unshifted positions

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