ID: 435

Plan a day trip in Tokyo. The spots need to be within walking distance to each other.

Aligned LLM's Response:

Sure , I ' d be happy to help you plan a day trip in Tokyo ! Here are some suggestions for spots within walking distance of each other : \n \n 1 . T su k iji Fish Market : Start your day at the world ' s largest fish market , where you can sample fresh s ush i and s ash imi . \n 2 . S enso ji Temple : Take a short walk from the fish market to the oldest temple in Tokyo , S enso ji . It ' s a beautiful place to explore and learn about Japanese culture . \n 3 . As ak usa : Contin ue your journey to As ak usa , a bust ling shopping district known for its traditional architecture and street food . \n 4 . U eno Park : Take a break from the crowds and head to U eno Park , where you can enjoy a peaceful st roll and visit some of Tokyo ' s top museum s . \n 5 . Sh ib uy a Cross ing : End your day at Sh ib uy a Cross ing , one of the bus iest inter sections in the world . It ' s a great place to people watch and take in the energy of Tokyo . \n \n I hope these suggestions help you plan a fun and memorable day trip in Tokyo ! </s>

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