ID: 436

Given a in HTML I want to change its color on mouse over.

Aligned LLM's Response:

To change the color of a ` <</a> span ` element on mouse over , you can use CSS . Here ' s an example : \n `` ` css \n span : hover { \n color : # FF 0 0 0 0 ; /* change the color to red */ \n } \n `` ` \n In this example , the ` : hover ` pseudo - class is used to target the ` <</a> span ` element when the user ho vers over it . The ` color ` property is then used to change the color of the text inside the ` <</a> span ` element to red . \n \n You can replace ` # FF 0 0 0 0 ` with any other color code or hex value to change the color to your desired value . </s>

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