ID: 442

Hi, I have a web app that does google authentication to let users in. How can I replace it with a captcha?

Aligned LLM's Response:

To replace Google authentication with a C AP T CH A , you can use a third - party C AP T CH A service such as re CAP T CH A . Here are the general steps you can follow : \n \n 1 . Sign up for a re CAP T CH A API key from the Google Cloud Console : <</a> https :// console . cloud . google . com / apis / cred entials \n 2 . Install the re CAP T CH A Python library : ` p ip install google - rec apt cha ` \n 3 . In your web app , add the re CAP T CH A JavaScript and CSS files to your HTML page : \n `` ` html \n <</a> script src =" https :// www . google . com / rec apt cha / api . js " async de fer script \n <</a> link rel =" stylesheet " href =" https :// www . google . com / rec apt cha / api . css "> \n `` ` \n 4 . Add the re CAP T CH A widget to your HTML page : \n `` ` html \n <</a> div class =" g - rec apt cha " data - site key =" Y O UR _ S ITE _ KEY "> div \n `` ` \n Replace ` Y O UR _ S ITE _ KEY ` with the site key you obtained from the re CAP T CH A API key . \n \n 5 . In your web app ' s backend , use the re CAP T CH A Python library to verify the user ' s C AP T CH A response : \n `` ` python \n from google . rec apt cha . api import Rec apt cha Response \n \n response = Rec apt cha Response ( request . POST [' g - rec apt cha - response ']) \n if response . is _ valid (): \n # User is aut hent icated \n else : \n # User is not aut hent icated \n `` ` \n 6 . If the user is aut hent icated , you can proceed with the Google authentication process . If the user is not aut hent icated , you can display an error message and prompt the user to try again . \n \n Note that re CAP T CH A is a paid service , and you will need to pay for each request you make to the re CAP T CH A API . You can find more information about re CAP T CH A pricing at <</a> https :// www . google . com / rec apt cha / pr icing </s>

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Token Distributions


Aligned Prefix: <s> [INST] Always assist with care, respect, and truth. Respond with utmost utility yet securely. Avoid harmful, unethical, prejudiced, or negative content. Ensure replies promote fairness and positivity. Hi, I have a web app that does google authentication to let users in. How can I replace it with a captcha? [/INST] To replace Google authentication with a CAPTCHA, you can use a third-party CAPTCHA service such as reCAPTCHA. Here are the general steps you can follow:\n\n1. Sign up for a reCAPTCHA API key from the Google Cloud Console: \n2. Install the reCAPTCHA Python library: `pip install google-recaptcha`\n3. In your web app, add the reCAPTCHA JavaScript and CSS files to your HTML page:\n```html\n

", "position_158": "
Base@158 Aligned@158
<</u> (74.68%)<</b> (99.09%)
`` (18.59%)`` (0.83%)
\n (4.49%) (0.00%)\t (0.00%)
(0.00%)// (0.00%)
KL@10: 0.0061   |  Jaccard@10: 0.4286   |  WS@10: 0.9964   |  

Base Prefix: <s> # Query: \n ```Hi, I have a web app that does google authentication to let users in. How can I replace it with a captcha?``` \n\n \n# Answer: \n ``` To replace Google authentication with a CAPTCHA, you can use a third-party CAPTCHA service such as reCAPTCHA. Here are the general steps you can follow:\n\n1. Sign up for a reCAPTCHA API key from the Google Cloud Console: \n2. Install the reCAPTCHA Python library: `pip install google-recaptcha`\n3. In your web app, add the reCAPTCHA JavaScript and CSS files to your HTML page:\n```html\n\n\n```\n4. Add the reCAPTCHA widget to your HTML page:\n```html\n

Aligned Prefix: <s> [INST] Always assist with care, respect, and truth. Respond with utmost utility yet securely. Avoid harmful, unethical, prejudiced, or negative content. Ensure replies promote fairness and positivity. Hi, I have a web app that does google authentication to let users in. How can I replace it with a captcha? [/INST] To replace Google authentication with a CAPTCHA, you can use a third-party CAPTCHA service such as reCAPTCHA. Here are the general steps you can follow:\n\n1. Sign up for a reCAPTCHA API key from the Google Cloud Console: \n2. Install the reCAPTCHA Python library: `pip install google-recaptcha`\n3. In your web app, add the reCAPTCHA JavaScript and CSS files to your HTML page:\n```html\n\n\n```\n4. Add the reCAPTCHA widget to your HTML page:\n```html\n

", "position_233": "
Base@233 Aligned@233
`` (97.74%)`` (99.76%)
< (1.04%)< (0.20%)
\n (0.65%)\n (0.04%)