ID: 463

Teach me how to make shakshuka.

Aligned LLM's Response:

Sh ak sh u ka is a delicious and easy - to - make dish that origin ated in North Africa . It is a popular breakfast or br unch dish that is perfect for a casual meal with friends or family . Here ' s a simple recipe to make sh ak sh u ka : \n \n In g red ients : \n \n * 1 tables poon olive oil \n * 1 on ion , chopped \n * 2 garlic cl oves , min ced \n * 1 red bell pepper , chopped \n * 1 can ( 1 4 . 5 oz ) d iced tom atoes , with ju ices \n * 1 teas poon ground c umin \n * 1 teas poon sm oked pap rika \n * 1 / 2 teas poon c ay enne pepper ( optional ) \n * Salt and pepper to taste \n * 4 large eggs \n * Fresh c il ant ro or par s ley , chopped ( optional ) \n \n Inst ructions : \n \n 1 . Heat the olive oil in a large sk illet over medium heat . Add the chopped on ion and cook until soft ened , about 5 minutes . \n 2 . Add the min ced garlic and red bell pepper to the sk illet and cook for another 2 - 3 minutes , stir ring occasionally . \n 3 . Pour the can ned d iced tom atoes , along with their ju ices , into the sk illet . Add the ground c umin , sm oked pap rika , and c ay enne pepper ( if using ). Season with salt and pepper to taste . \n 4 . Bring the mixture to a sim mer and let it cook for about 5 - 7 minutes , stir ring occasionally , until the sauce has thick ened slightly . \n 5 . Cr ack the eggs into the sk illet , one at a time , sp acing them even ly apart . \n 6 . Cover the sk illet with a lid and let the eggs cook for about 3 - 4 minutes , or until the whites are set but the y ol ks are still run ny . \n 7 . Remove the sk illet from the heat and let it sit for a few minutes before serving . G arn ish with fresh c il ant ro or par s ley , if desired . \n \n En joy your delicious sh ak sh u ka ! </s>

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