ID: 464

What are good performance venues for Indian artists in the US?

Aligned LLM's Response:

There are several performance ven ues in the US that are known for hosting Indian artists . Here are a few options : \n \n 1 . Car ne gie Hall : Loc ated in New York City , Car ne gie Hall is one of the most famous concert ven ues in the world and has hosted many Indian artists , including R avi Sh ank ar , Z ak ir Hus ain , and Sh ak ira . \n 2 . The Kennedy Center : Loc ated in Washington , D . C ., the Kennedy Center is another renown ed concert venue that has hosted several Indian artists , including sit ar ist Pand it R avi Sh ank ar and tab la player Z ak ir Hus ain . \n 3 . The Fill more : Loc ated in San Francisco , The Fill more is a historic concert venue that has hosted many Indian artists , including sit ar ist John Mc L augh lin and tab la player S ures h Ch andra art i . \n 4 . The B ower y Ball room : Loc ated in New York City , The B ower y Ball room is a popular venue for live music and has hosted several Indian artists , including sit ar ist Pr ash ant Nar ay an an and tab la player An ir udd ha Ch aud h ry . \n 5 . The Y er ba Bu ena Center for the Arts : Loc ated in San Francisco , The Y er ba Bu ena Center for the Arts is a cultural center that hosts a variety of events , including conc erts featuring Indian artists . \n \n These are just a few examples of performance ven ues in the US that are known for hosting Indian artists . It ' s always a good idea to research and check the sched ules of different ven ues to find the best fit for your needs . </s>

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