ID: 466

What are the best birthday gifts for an acquaintance that I don't know very well?

Aligned LLM's Response:

It ' s great that you want to show your appreciation for your acqu aint ance on their birthday ! Here are some ideas for gifts that are both thought ful and practical : \n \n 1 . A personal ized gift : Consider a personal ized gift that shows your acqu aint ance that you ' ve put thought into it . For example , you could create a custom piece of artwork or a personal ized photo of jewelry . \n \n 2 . A gift card : A gift card is a great option if you ' re not sure what your acqu aint ance likes . You could choose a gift card to their favorite store , restaurant , or online retail er . \n \n 3 . A book or e - book : If your acqu aint ance enjo ys reading , consider g ifting them a book or e - book . You could choose a book that ' s related to their interests or h obb ies . \n \n 4 . A gift basket : A gift basket is a great option if you want to give your acqu aint ance a variety of items . You could include items like ch ocol ates , wine , sk inc are products , and other small gifts . \n \n 5 . A subscription service : If your acqu aint ance enjo ys a particular product or service , consider g ifting them a subscription . For example , you could gift them a subscription to a monthly book club or a beauty subscription box . \n \n Rem ember to choose a gift that is appropriate for your acqu aint ance ' s age , interests , and personality . And , if you ' re uns ure what to get , consider asking a mutual friend or family member for suggestions . </s>

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