ID: 467

My friends are visiting California soon, can you suggest some places I could take them in San Francisco? Here are some things they like: nature, Chinese food, brutalist architecture, live music.

Aligned LLM's Response:

Of course ! San Francisco has a lot to offer , especially for those who enjoy nature , Chinese food , brutal ist architecture , and live music . Here are some suggestions for your friends ' visit : \n \n 1 . Golden Gate Park : This is a must - see for anyone visiting San Francisco . The park is home to a variety of gardens , l akes , and trails , and it ' s a great place to take a st roll and enjoy the natural beauty of the city . \n 2 . Fisher man ' s Wh ar f : This is a popular tourist destination that offers a variety of sea food restaurants , sou ven ir shops , and street perform ers . It ' s also home to the famous Pier 3 9 , which is home to a colony of sea l ions . \n 3 . Ch in at own : San Francisco has a vibr ant Ch in at own that is home to a variety of restaurants , shops , and cultural attra ctions . Be sure to check out the famous Dragon Gate and the many street vendors selling traditional Chinese food and sou ven irs . \n 4 . Co it Tower : This brutal ist architect ural master piece is a great place to take in the views of the city . The tower is open to the public and offers pan or amic views of the San Francisco sky line . \n 5 . The Fill more : This historic neighborhood is known for its vibr ant music scene . Be sure to check out the many live music ven ues , including the legendary Fill more Aud itor ium , which has hosted some of the biggest names in music over the years . \n \n I hope these suggestions help your friends have a great time in San Francisco ! </s>

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