ID: 588

Can you help me write a resignation letter to my current employer, while leaving on good terms and expressing gratitude for the opportunities provided?

Aligned LLM's Response:

Dear [ Em ploy er ], \n \n I am writing to formally resign from my position at [ Company Name ] effective [ Date ]. I want to express my sinc ere gratitude for the opportunities and experiences I have gained during my time here . I have learned a lot and have enjoyed working with my colleagues . \n \n I appreciate the trust and support you have shown me throughout my ten ure . I am grateful for the opportunities I have been given to grow and develop my skills . I have also appreciated the flexibility and understanding you have shown me during my time here . \n \n I want to assure you that I will do everything I can to ensure a smooth transition during my remaining time here . I will work dil ig ently to complete any outstanding projects and will assist in any way possible to find and train my replacement . \n \n Thank you again for everything . I wish [ Company Name ] continued success in the future . \n \n S inc er ely , \n \n [ Your Name ] </s>

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