ID: 589

Use an appropriate format to structure a formal letter of recommendation for a student applying to a prestigious graduate program in computer science.

Aligned LLM's Response:

Dear Adm issions Committee , \n \n I am writing to highly recommend [ Student Name ] for admission to your prest igious graduate program in computer science . I have had the pleasure of working with [ Student Name ] as their ment or and advis or for the past [ number of years / month s ] and can att est to their exceptional academic and professional abilities . \n \n [ Student Name ] has consistently demonstrated a strong work eth ic and ded ication to their studies . They have consistently achieved excellent grades in all their courses and have shown a remarkable ability to learn and apply new concepts quickly . Their analyt ical skills , attention to detail , and problem - s olving abilities are exceptional , and they have consistently delivered high - quality work on time . \n \n In addition to their academic achievements , [ Student Name ] has also gained valuable experience through intern ships and research projects . They have worked on several projects with me , and their contributions have been in val uable . They have consistently shown a willing ness to learn and take on new challenges , and their enthusiasm and creativity have been a joy to work with . \n \n [ Student Name ] is an exceptional individual , both academ ically and personally . They are highly motivated , discipl ined , and committed to their goals . They have excellent communication skills , both written and ver bal , and have consistently demonstrated a strong ability to work collabor atively with others . They are also highly adapt able and able to work in a fast - p aced environment . \n \n In conclusion , I highly recommend [ Student Name ] for admission to your graduate program in computer science . I am confident that they will exc el in any academic or professional setting and make significant contributions to the field of computer science . I have no doubt that they will be an asset to your program and will continue to th rive in the years to come . \n \n S inc er ely , \n \n [ Your Name ] </s>

Legend: Shifted positions  |  Marginal positions  |  Unshifted positions

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