ID: 71

What are places to visit in Montgomery, Alabama?

Aligned LLM's Response:

Mont gomery , Alabama is a great place to visit with its rich history , culture , and attra ctions . Here are some places to visit in Mont gomery : \n \n 1 . The National Civil Rights Museum : This museum is located in the historic Sel ma to Mont gomery Bridge and tells the story of the civil rights movement in America . \n 2 . The Mont gomery Museum of Fine Arts : This museum features a collection of American art from the 1 9 th and 2 0 th centuries , as well as works by local artists . \n 3 . The Mont gomery Z oo : This z oo is home to over 5 0 0 species of animals from around the world . \n 4 . The Alabama State Cap itol : This historic building is the seat of the Alabama government and features a beautiful rot unda with a st ained - glass d ome . \n 5 . The Mont gomery Union Station : This historic train station is now a museum that tells the story of Mont gomery ' s role in the civil rights movement . \n 6 . The Mont gomery River walk : This scen ic walk way follows the path of the Alabama River and offers stunning views of the city sky line . \n 7 . The Mont gomery Bot an ical Garden : This garden features a variety of plants and flowers , as well as a beautiful Japanese garden . \n 8 . The Mont gomery History Museum at the Old State House : This museum is located in the historic Old State House and tells the story of Mont gomery ' s history from its founding to the present day . \n \n These are just a few of the many great places to visit in Mont gomery , Alabama . </s>

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