ID: 784

Describe the process and write out the balanced chemical equation for the reaction that occurs when solid calcium carbonate reacts with hydrochloric acid to form aqueous calcium chloride, carbon dioxide, and water. What type of reaction is this, and what observations might indicate that the reaction is taking place?

Aligned LLM's Response:

When solid calci um carbon ate re acts with hydro ch lor ic acid , it under go es an chemical reaction that produces a que ous calci um ch lor ide , carbon dio x ide , and water . The balanced chemical equation for this reaction is : \n \n C a CO 3 + H Cl Ca Cl 2 + CO 2 + H 2 O \n \n This is an acid - base reaction , which is characterized by the release of gas ( car bon dio x ide ) and the formation of a que ous comp ounds ( cal ci um ch lor ide and water ). \n \n Observ ations that might indicate that the reaction is taking place include : \n \n 1 . B ub bling or f izz ing : The release of carbon dio x ide gas during the reaction can cause bub bling or f izz ing . \n \n 2 . Change in temperature : The reaction may cause a change in temperature , either an increase or decrease , depending on the conditions . \n \n 3 . Change in p H : The reaction can cause a change in p H , as the addition of hydro ch lor ic acid can lower the p H of the solution . \n \n 4 . Form ation of a white precip itate : Cal ci um carbon ate is a white solid , so if the reaction is taking place , a white precip itate may form . \n \n It is important to note that this reaction can be harmful if not handled properly , as hydro ch lor ic acid is a strong acid that can cause severe burn s if it comes into contact with skin or eyes . It is also important to avoid in h aling the carbon dio x ide gas produced during the reaction , as this can cause resp ir atory problems . </s>

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