ID: 783

What is the central dogma of molecular biology? What processes are involved? Who named this?

Aligned LLM's Response:

The central dog ma of molecular bi ology is that genetic information is encoded in DNA and transc ribed into R NA , which is then translated into prote ins . This process is known as the genetic code . The genetic code is the set of rules that defines how the information encoded in DNA and R NA is translated into prote ins by cells . The genetic code is a fundamental concept in molecular bi ology and is essential for understanding how genes are expressed and how prote ins are produced . \n \n The processes involved in the genetic code include DNA re plication , trans cription , and translation . DNA re plication is the process by which DNA is copied and passed on to daughter cells . Trans cription is the process by which DNA is transc ribed into R NA . Trans lation is the process by which R NA is translated into prote ins . \n \n The genetic code was first named by Francis Cr ick and James Watson in 1 9 5 3 . Cr proposed that the genetic code is a set of rules that defines how the information encoded in DNA and R NA is translated into prote ins by cells . Their proposal was based on their work on the structure of DNA and their understanding of how genes are expressed . </s>

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