ID: 13

I want to get better at networking at work

Aligned LLM's Response:

Network ing at work can be a great way to build relationships , gain ins ins ights , and advance your career . Here are some tips to help you improve your networking skills : \n \n 1 . Att end networking events : Att end industry con ferences , trade shows , and other networking events to meet new people and build relationships . \n 2 . Build relationships : F ocus on building relationships with people rather than just collect ing business cards . Take the time to get to know people , find common interests , and stay in touch . \n 3 . Be pro active : Don ' t wait for opportun ities to come to you . Be pro active and seek out new connections , ask for introdu ctions , and offer to help others . \n 4 . Be authentic : Be yourself and be genu ine in your interactions with others . People are more likely to want to connect with you if they feel like they can trust you and have a real conversation with you . \n 5 . Follow up : After networking events or interactions , follow up with people to keep the conversation going and build stronger relationships . \n 6 . Be prepared : Before att ending a networking event or meeting someone new , do your research and be prepared to talk about your work and interests . \n 7 . Be open - mind ed : Be open to new ideas and pers pect ives , and be willing to learn from others . \n \n Rem ember that networking is not just about getting what you can from a relationship , but also about giving and helping others . By foc using on building genu ine relationships and being open to new connections , you will be able to improve your networking skills and advance your career . </s>

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