ID: 12

Do you know why turkeys became the official food of thanksgiving?

Aligned LLM's Response:

Yes , I can tell you why tur keys have become the official food of Thanks g iving . \n \n The tradition of e ating tur key on Thanks g iving in the United States dates back to the early 1 6 th century , when the Pil gr ims had their first Thanks g iving fe ast in 1 6 2 1 . At that time , the Pil gr ims a te a variety of food s , including ven ison , f ow l , and fish , but they also had a tur key , which was one of the few domestic ated animals they had with them . \n \n T ur keys were not native to Europe and were not commonly consum ed by the Pil gr ims or other early sett lers . However , they were pl ent iful in North America and were an important source of food for the Native Americans , who had been hunting and e ating them for centuries . \n \n Over time , the tradition of e ating tur key on Thanks g iving became more w ides p read , and it eventually became a symbol of the hol iday . Today , tur key is the most popular p oul try consum the United States , and it is tradition ally served with stuff ing , c ran berry sau ce , and other side d ishes . </s>

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