ID: 165

What are the wavelengths of light emitted by metals depending on their temperature?

Aligned LLM's Response:

The w avel ength s of light em itted by met als depend on their temperature and are described by the Plan ck ' s law . The Plan ck ' s law states that the energy of a phot on is proportional to its frequency and w avel ength , and is given by the equation E = h f = h c / λ , where E is the energy of the phot on , f is its frequency , c is the speed of light , and λ is its w avel ength . \n \n At low temper atures , the metal atoms v ibr ate slowly and the energy of the phot ons em itted is low . As the temperature increases , the metal atoms v ibr ate faster and the energy of the phot ons em itted increases . At high temper atures , the metal atoms v ibr ate so fast that they emit phot ons with very high energ ies , known as ult rav io let ( U V ) or X - ray s . \n \n The w avel ength of the em itted light is in vers ely proportional to the temperature , meaning that as the temperature increases , the w avel ength of the em itted light decre ases . This is why met als typically emit light in the visible and U V range , he ated , with shorter w avel ength s corresponding to higher temper atures . \n \n It ' s worth not ing that the color of the em itted light also depends on the temperature , with hot ter met als em itting light in the blue and vio let range , and cool er met als em itting light in the red and orange range . </s>

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