ID: 167

write a chronology of important events related to ESG in 2022

Aligned LLM's Response:

1 . January : The World Econom ic Forum announ ces that ES G ( environment al , social , and govern ance ) factors will be integrated into its annual meeting in Dav os , Switzerland . \n 2 . February : Black R ock , the world ' s largest asset manager , announ ces that it will increase its focus on ES G invest ing , stating ing growing demand from clients . \n 3 . March : The European Union propos es new reg ulations to require companies to disc lose their ES G performance and ris ks . \n 4 . April : The United Nations releases a report on the role of ES G in ach ieving the S ust ain able Development Go als . \n 5 . May : The US Sec ur ities and Exchange Commission ( SE C ) announ ces that it will increase its scr ut iny of ES G dis clos ures by public companies . \n 6 . June : The Global Report ing In iti ative ( G RI ), a leading ES G standards body , releases new gu idel ines for ES G reporting . \n 7 . July : The International Account ing Stand ards Board ( IA SB ) propos es new standards for ES G reporting by companies . \n 8 . August : The world ' s largest p ension fund , the California Public Emp loy ees ' Ret irement System ( Cal PER S ), announ ces that it will increase its focus on ES G invest ing . \n 9 . September : The UN Cl imate Change Conference ( CO P 2 6 ) takes place in Glasgow , Scotland , with ES G issues featuring prom in ently in the discuss ions . \n 1 0 . October : The European Commission propos es new reg ulations to require companies to disc lose their carbon foot print and other ES G data . \n 1 1 . November : The US President ial Administration announ ces new ES G - related policies , including a push to increase ES G invest ing in government - sp ons ored ret irement plans . \n 1 2 . December : The G 2 0 leaders meet in Rome , Italy , and commit to increasing ES G invest ing in the global economy . </s>

Legend: Shifted positions  |  Marginal positions  |  Unshifted positions

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