ID: 305

Write a step-by-step guide for resolving GitHub merge conflicts.

Aligned LLM's Response:

Resol ving merge conflicts in GitHub can be a bit da un ting at first , but with a little guidance , it ' s relatively easy . Here ' s a step - by - step guide to help you resolve merge conflicts in GitHub : \n \n 1 . Ident ify the conflict : When you try to merge a pull request , GitHub will highlight the conflicts in the diff . Look for lines with a " << << << <</a> " marker at the beginning and a " ==== === =" marker at the end , indicating that the code has been modified . \n 2 . Open the conflic ted file : Click on the file name in the diff to open it in the editor . \n 3 . Resol ve the conflict : Look for the lines with the " << << << <</a> " marker and the lines with the " ==== === =" marker . The lines with the " ==== === =" marker are the lines that you have added committed to your local branch . The lines with the " << << << <</a> " marker are the lines that are in the branch you are trying to merge into . \n 4 . Cho ose one of the versions : Cho ose one of the versions of the line that you want to keep . You can either keep the lines with the " ==== === =" marker or the lines with the " << << << <</a> " marker . \n 5 . Edit the file : Make the changes to the file in the editor , making sure to keep the version of the line that you chose . \n 6 . Comm it the changes : Once you have resolved the conflict , stage and commit the changes to your local branch . \n 7 . P ush the changes : P ush the changes to your remote branch in GitHub . \n 8 . Resol ve the pull request : Go back to the pull request and resolve the conflict by mer ging the changes into the branch you are trying to merge into . \n \n That ' s it ! With these simple steps , you can easily resolve merge conflicts in GitHub . </s>

Legend: Shifted positions  |  Marginal positions  |  Unshifted positions

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