ID: 306

Give a brief summary of the movie or series' plot. Breaking Bad (TV Series 2008–2013)

Aligned LLM's Response:

Bre aking Bad is an American television series that a ired from 2 0 0 8 to 2 0 1 3 . It follows the story of Walter White , a high school chem istry teacher turned m eth am ph et am ine manufact urer , and his partner J esse P ink man , as they navigate the dangerous world of drug tra ff ick ing in Al bu quer que , New Mexico . \n \n W alter , who is struggling finan cially after being diagn osed with cancer , turns to producing and s elling m eth in order to provide for his family . He begins by cook ing small batch es in his home , but as the demand for his product increases , he exp ands his operation and becomes more r uth less in his business deal ings . \n \n T hr ough out the series , Walter ' s actions have serious consequences for himself and those around him , including his family , friends , and enemies . The show expl ores them es of mor ality , loyal ty , and the lengths people will go to in order to surv ive . It also features a complex and comp elling characters , including Walter ' s wife Sky ler , his business partner J esse , and the various crim inals and law enfor cement officials who cross his path . \n \n Bre aking Bad received critical acc laim for its writing , acting , and direction , and has been regarded as one of the greatest television series of all time . It has won numerous awards , including 1 6 Prim etime Em my Awards , and has been regarded as a cultural phenomen on . </s>

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