ID: 500

I'm looking for a game to play with a large group of friends.

Aligned LLM's Response:

There are many games that can be played with a large group of friends . Here are a few suggestions : \n \n 1 . Char ades : This classic game is a great way to get everyone involved and la ughing . Div ide the group into two teams and take turns acting out words or phr ases without speaking . The other team tries to guess what you ' re acting out . \n 2 . P ictionary : Similar to char ades , P ictionary is a drawing game where one person draw s a picture to convey a word or phrase , and the other players try to guess what it is . \n 3 . C oden ames : In this word - gu ess ing game , one player is the " sp ym aster " and the other players are agents . The sp ym aster gives one - word cl ues that relate to multiple words on the game board , and the agents try to guess which words the sp ym aster is referring to . \n 4 . T icket to R ide : In this strategy game , players collect train cards that allow them to claim railway routes on a game board . The player with the most complete route at the end of the game wins . \n 5 . Cat an : In this resource - management game , players build settlement s and cities on the island of Cat an by trad ing resources with each other . The player with the most points at the end of the game wins . \n \n Th ese are just a few suggestions , but there are many other games that can be enjoyed with a large group of friends . </s>

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