ID: 501

How do you make good scrambled eggs?

Aligned LLM's Response:

To make good sc ram bled eggs , you will need : \n \n * 2 - 3 large eggs \n * Salt and pe pper to taste \n * 1 tables po on of but ter or oil \n * Optional : milk , che ese , or other ing red ients to taste \n \n Inst ru ctions : \n \n 1 . Cra ck the eggs into a bow l and beat them with a fork until they are well combined and slightly fro thy . \n 2 . He at a non - st ick pan over medium heat and add the but ter or oil . Once it has m elt ed and is b ub bling , pour in the eggs . \n 3 . Use a sp at ula to g ently stir the eggs as they cook , sc rap ing the bottom of the pan and ens uring that they are well combined . \n 4 . Once the eggs are almost cook ed , add any additional ing red ients that you want to include ( such as milk , che ese , or d iced veget ables ). St ir to combine . \n 5 . Cook for an additional 3 0 seconds or until the eggs are cook ed to your desired don eness . \n 6 . Use the sp at ula to remove the eggs from the pan and serve immediately . \n \n T ips : \n \n * Use a non - st ick pan to make sc ram bled eggs as they will be easier to cook and clean . \n * Don ' t over c row d the pan - cook the eggs in batch es if necessary . \n * Add ing red ients one at a time and stir well after each addition . \n * Use a sp at ula to g ently stir the eggs , rather than using a sp oon which can break the eggs . \n * Season the eggs with salt and pe pper to taste . </s>

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