ID: 674

How do remote tribes that have no new genetic material for thousands of years not die out because of inbreeding?

Aligned LLM's Response:

Rem ote tribes that have no new gen etic material for thousands of years can avoid dying out due to in bre eding by pract icing cons angu inity , which is the practice of marry ing close relatives . This can help to maintain gen etic divers ity within the tribe and prevent the negative effects of in bre eding , such as increased risk of gen etic dis orders and reduced fert ility . Additionally , remote tribes may have limited options for marriage due to their isol ation , which can lead to the practice of cons angu inity . However , it is important to note that cons angu inity can also have negative effects on the health and well - be ing of the tribe , and it is not a long - term solution for maintain ing gen etic divers ity . </s>

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