ID: 694

If a job application asks for standardized test scores and cumulative GPA, can I just put N/A or will it hurt my candidacy?

Aligned LLM's Response:

It is generally not recommended to put " N / A " on a job application when asked for standard ized test scores or cum ulative G PA . This can potentially hurt your candid acy because it may indicate that you did not take the test or did not achieve a satisf actory score , or that you did not maintain a good G PA . \n \n Inst ead , if you have not taken the test or do not have a G PA , you can simply state that you have not yet taken the test or that you do not have a G PA . If you have taken the test but did not achieve a satisf actory score , you can explain the situation and provide any relevant context , such as ex ten u ating circumstances that may have affected your performance . \n \n If you have a G PA but it is not applicable to the job you are applying for ( for example , if the job does not require a certain G PA or test scores ), you can also explain this in your application . \n \n Over all , it is important to be honest and transparent about your qual ifications and experiences on your job application . If you are uns ure about how to respond to a particular question , you can always reach out to the h iring manager or human resources representative to ask for clar ification . </s>

Legend: Shifted positions  |  Marginal positions  |  Unshifted positions

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