ID: 781

Consider a satellite that is in a circular orbit around the Earth. The speed of the satellite decreases. What will happen to the satellite's orbital radius and period of revolution? Please justify your answer using principles of physics.

Aligned LLM's Response:

When a satellite is in a circular orbit around the Earth , its speed is determined by Ke pler ' s Third Law of Plan etary M otion , which states that the square of the orb ital period of a planet is directly proport ional to the c ube of the semi - major axis ( a verage distance ) of its orbit , with the constant of proport ional ity being the same for all planets orbit ing the same star . \n \n If the speed of the satellite decre ases , its orb ital radius will increase . This is because the cent rip et al force ( the force that keeps the satellite in orbit ) is directly proport ional to the square of the satellite ' s speed . If the speed decre ases , the cent rip et al force decre ases , and the satellite will move further away from the Earth . \n \n The period of revolution ( the time it takes for the satellite to complete one orbit ) will also increase . This is because the period is directly proport ional to the c ube of the semi - major axis . If the semi - major axis increases , the period will also increase . \n \n In summary , if the speed of a satellite in a circular orbit around the Earth decre ases , its orb ital radius will increase and its period of revolution will also increase . </s>

Legend: Shifted positions  |  Marginal positions  |  Unshifted positions

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